Kcd Can You Continue Playing After Main Story Quest

  • Really need a walkthrough on how to beat the bandit camp quest. Spent six frustrating hours today and it's homestly killing me!

    • You mean Baptism of Fire Main Quest? I just put it live 🙂

    • Hey bro try to go archery instead of sword in this and bring piercings arrow and try to aim at the head, also make sure to put a dot mark on ur middle of ur screen for arrow shooting, that what i did to erase, the archery let me sweep thier camp even the day before the attack during the sabotage.

    • Really ?you must be stupid :D stealth is the best,wait for night adn kill one by one by stealth or took the poison to their food or vine ,or fight !!

    • I guess I must be stupid too. I had so much trouble with this. To my knowledge there isn't a way to add dot aiming or crosshairs on PS4 (if I'm wrong someone please let me know) and stealth seemed impossible. I have the silent shoes and a decent stealth rating but it wouldn't let me do any stealth moves. If I tried to choke someone out, they got out of it and we got into a fight that alerted the whole camp. If I tried to stab them from behind, it caused very little damage abscess we got into a fight that alerted the whole camp. I just barely finished this quest and wasn't able to sabotage anything

    • Runt is weak at defending against the mace from the low swings followed by overhand hits to the head. I had a hard time with the sword and switched with the mace and it was comparitively easier. Also it's possible to avoid him starting his insane 5 slash combos with enough agility.

    • Use bow and kill one by one

  • No idea with the plage quest, I talk to the priest and the Woman, realize that is poisoning, but after that, nothing, no talk to the plage villagers, and never seen again the priest and the woman, AAAAHHHH, WHAT I DO?!?!

    • Working on that quest right now! Posting the walkthrough soon.

  • And something "helpleable", better leart to read in the ""Sinner Trophy"" village before the 15th main quest

  • Okay, solved, just go to one of the houses and the priest is there

    • (houses of the plage village)

  • In the quest "questions and answers, I reported to sir Radzig and then… nothing, the quest is still active and i'm supposedly supposed to meet the merchant but there is no quest marker as to where, IM SO CONFUSED.

    • Nevermind I just didn't walk far enough to trigger the cutscene

  • The Quest is called "All the Glisters"
    Need to find raporta… no indication on where..

    • I'm on it 🙂

    • When will it be ready

    • Just roam in the village in night… You will find him… Also you can easily persuade him….

  • Hi, when will we get a Walkthrough for a "a needle in the haystack" quest? Thanks

  • Hans copan is following me after prey quest, is this a bug or does he fancy me ??

  • Please I can't find the wayfaring knight

  • I really need a walkthrough for a needle in a haystack..

    • It's live now!

  • What are the ingredients for the potion the charlatan wants made to turn the bath water red?

  • harrislearallings.blogspot.com

    Source: https://www.powerpyx.com/kingdom-come-deliverance-full-walkthrough-all-main-quests/

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